In the heart of the City of Dreams Mediterranean, an event unfolded that was a true testament to the luxury and sophistication of the cigar culture. The Habanos World Launch, held on December 2nd, was not just an event, but a celebration of some of the finest cigars in the world, paired with culinary masterpieces. As proprietors of Club Mareva Beirut, my wife Najat Abdo and I had the privilege of being part of this World Launch.
Key speeches from prominent figures in the cigar industry. Mohamed Zeidan, Chairman of the Phoenicia Group of Companies, spoke during the event. Zeidan, a pioneering figure in the cigar industry, has played a significant role in the cigar supply and distribution business since founding his company in Lebanon in 1979. Under his leadership, Phoenicia has become one of the world’s leading distributors of Cuban cigars, with a business spanning the Middle East, Africa, and Europe. The company is also known for running Beirut Duty Free and its acclaimed cigar area, featuring the world’s first airport duty-free La Casa del Habano shop.
Also speaking at the event was Walid Saleh, Managing Director of Phoenicia Trading (Afro-Asia). Saleh, based in Lebanon and Cyprus, is renowned in the cigar world, having been named Habanos Man of the Year. He is a long-time aficionado of Cuban cigars and has significantly contributed to Phoenicia’s status as a leading Cuban cigar distributor. His expertise and insights into the world of cigars have been instrumental in enhancing the prestige and reach of Phoenicia’s cigar business.
During the Habanos World Launch event, the attendees were also graced with speeches from the co-presidents of Habanos S.A., Maritza Carrillo and Luis Sanchez-Harguindey Pardo de Vera. Maritza Carrillo González, recently appointed as co-president, has been a significant figure in the world of Habanos, having been a part of the founding team of Corporación Habanos S.A. Before her appointment as Co-President, she was the General Manager of Tabagest S.A. Her extensive experience and knowledge have been pivotal in her career progression within Habanos.
Luis Sanchez-Harguindey Pardo de Vera, serving alongside Carrillo as co-president, has also played a crucial role in the management and promotion of Habanos brands, including Montecristo, Bolivar, and Partagas.
The speeches by these two distinguished leaders in the cigar industry added significant value to the event, providing insights into the direction and philosophy of Habanos S.A., as well as highlighting the company’s achievements and future initiatives. Their presence underscored the importance of the Habanos World Launch as a pivotal event in the cigar industry calendar.
The Launch of Por Larrañaga “Fénix” & El Rey Del Mundo Royal Series
The highlight of the evening was the grand reveal of the Por Larrañaga “Fénix”, an exclusive creation reserved for the territories of Phoenicia Trading T.A.A. Ltd. This vitola, meticulously handcrafted by Cuban artisans, is made with select tobacco leaves from the esteemed Vuelta Abajo region in Pinar del Río. The “Fénix” embodies more than the mythological essence of rebirth akin to the Phoenix; it signifies a revival of classic cigar craftsmanship, distinguished by its rich flavor and distinctive character.
The Por Larrañaga “Fénix” is notable for its 109 vitola de galera, measuring 50 x 184mm, a size esteemed in the realm of premium cigars for its unique dimensions and the exceptional smoking experience it delivers. The 109’s length and ring gauge facilitate a robust, yet finely balanced flavor profile. This size is celebrated for its role in limited edition and special release cigars, highlighting its rarity and desirability. The slight tapering at the head of the 109 vitola allows for a progressive intensification of flavor, guiding the smoker through a nuanced exploration of the complex tobacco blends. The resurgence of the 109 in both Cuban and international cigar markets is not merely a preference for its dimensions, but a deeper recognition of the heritage and expertise it represents. Featured in significant editions like the 155th anniversary humidor in 2000 and the Edmundo Dantes Conde 109 in 2007 and 2008, the 109 vitola is more than a size specification; it stands as a symbol of the lasting and evolving artistry in cigar-making.
The introduction of the El Rey Del Mundo Royal Series was a also announced, marking an addition of regal splendor. Celebrated for its refined blend and flawless craftsmanship, this series brought an air of royal elegance to the event. The cigars, known for their velvety yet intricate flavor profiles, captivated both seasoned aficionados and newcomers, enhancing the night’s air of sophisticated charm.
The “Royal Series” from the El Rey del Mundo brand has been specially chosen by Habanos, S.A. for exclusive sale at their prestigious La Casa del Habano franchise network. This series introduces the Dobles Factory size, a novel format within the brand’s regular portfolio, adding a new dimension to their esteemed lineup.
Crafted to appeal to those who favor a light to medium strength cigar, the Royal Series boasts a generous ring gauge. Presented in an exclusive set of 20 cigars, each is meticulously hand-rolled (Totalmente a mano con Tripa Larga) by skilled Cuban artisans. This attention to detail is evident in the careful selection of the wrapper, filler, and binder leaves sourced from the Vuelta Abajo region in Pinar del Rio, Cuba – a region universally recognized for growing the finest tobacco.
The Royal Series’ distinct Dobles vitola is characterized by its 50 ring gauge and a length of 155mm, offering a distinguished smoking experience that reflects the legacy and expertise of Cuban cigar production.
Providing guests with the Por Larrañaga “Fénix” and the Royal Series allowed them to directly engage with the craftsmanship and distinct flavor profiles of these premium cigars.
A Symphony of Flavors: Culinary Brilliance
Post the cigar revelry, the evening transitioned to a celebration of culinary artistry. Chef Olivier Belliard, with his rich experience and personal affinity for cigars, curated a menu that complemented the cigar experience to perfection. His dishes were not just food; they were a journey through flavors that enhanced the cigar-tasting experience.
Chef Alvin Leung, the ‘Demon Chef’, added his unique flair to the event. His dessert creation was a highlight, showcasing his innovative approach to cuisine. His passion for Cuban cigars was evident in every dish he presented, making it an integral part of the evening.
Mixology Craftsmanship: Rastislav Kasar and Giovanni Tavano
The beverage segment was led by mixologists Rastislav Kasar and Giovanni Tavano. Kasar’s special cocktails, designed specifically for the cigar pairings, were a revelation, blending the art of bartending and barista skills. Giovanni Tavano, with his renowned mixology expertise, added another layer of excitement to the night, with creations that were both visually appealing and palate-pleasing.
Platinum (Club) Experience
Guests at the event were also invited to experience the Platinum (Club) at the City of Dreams Mediterranean, a luxurious, members-only gaming area known for its sophistication and exclusivity. This added feature enhanced the overall experience, providing an atmosphere of elevated luxury. Furthermore, exceptional food and drinks were offered complimentary to all attendees, adding to the event’s allure. This generous provision of gourmet cuisine and premium beverages at no charge significantly enriched the experience, ensuring the event was not only memorable but also a testament to the highest standards of hospitality.
A Night to Remember
Reflecting on the Habanos World Launch, it’s clear that it was an extraordinary experience for cigar aficionados. Beyond the cigars, it was the reunions, discussions, and connections formed around a shared passion that made the night special. The City of Dreams Mediterranean provided the perfect setting for an unforgettable evening of elegance and celebration. Adding to the ambiance, the talented Lebanese violinist Haneen captivated the audience with her performance, while Guy Manoukian’s mastery of the piano and his rendition of Arabic music further elevated the evening.
The City of Dreams Mediterranean was not just a venue, but a perfect backdrop for an unforgettable night filled with elegance, music, and celebration.