Club Mareva Beirut Humidor

Club Mareva Beirut has become a testament to the evolving tastes of Lebanese cigar aficionados, particularly among the younger demographic. Once a dominion solely of traditional Cuban cigars, the landscape is definitely shifting, mirroring global trends as enthusiasts are increasingly lighting up New World cigars from Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and beyond.

At the forefront of this transformation is Club Mareva Beirut, operated by Woody Ghsoubi and his wife Najat Abdo. Known not only for their deep understanding of the cigar world but also for their keen insights into the evolving preferences of smokers, the owners of Club Mareva Beirut  observed a significant uptick in the popularity of New World cigars among the younger Lebanese.

“Times are changing, and so are the tastes of cigar smokers in Lebanon,” Woody notes. “While the allure of Cuban cigars remains, there’s a growing curiosity and appreciation for what the rest of the world has to offer. We see it every day here at Club Mareva Beirut—more and more young enthusiasts are asking for Nicaraguan, Dominican, and even Honduran cigars. It’s a shift we’re embracing wholeheartedly.”

This openness to New World cigars among Lebanese youth is reflective of a broader trend seen across Europe and North America, where shortages of Cuban cigars and the rise of quality tobaccos from other regions have contributed to a diversification of the market. Club Mareva Beirut, with its sophisticated ambiance and wide selection of premium cigars, has become a hub for this new generation of smokers eager to explore the vast world of flavors and traditions beyond Cuba.

The owners’ passion for cigars extends beyond just the Cuban varieties. As an importer of many Nicaraguan and Dominican brands, he has a firsthand understanding of the quality and craftsmanship that go into each stick. “We’re not just selling cigars; we’re offering an experience, an education in the rich tapestry of global tobacco culture. Our young clients are particularly receptive to this. They come here not just to smoke but to learn, to share, and to become part of a community that appreciates the art of cigar smoking.”

Club Mareva Beirut’s role in introducing New World cigars to the Lebanese market goes beyond mere retail. The lounge organizes tasting events, seminars, and meet-ups that provide a platform for enthusiasts to delve deeper into the cigar world. “It’s about building a culture, a knowledge base,” the owner explains. “When someone tries a Nicaraguan or Dominican cigar for the first time here, it’s an opportunity for us to educate them about the region, the tobacco, the people behind the product. It makes the experience more meaningful.”

Despite the growing popularity of New World cigars, the owners are careful to maintain a balanced offering. “Our humidor is a reflection of the diverse tastes of our clientele. Yes, there’s an increased demand for non-Cuban cigars, but the classics are still revered. It’s about offering choice, quality, and knowledge.”

Looking to the future, Club Mareva Beirut is poised to continue leading the way in Lebanon’s cigar culture, championing both the timeless traditions of Cuban cigars and the vibrant, dynamic world of New World tobaccos. For the young smokers of Lebanon, it’s a gateway to a rich and diverse universe, expertly curated by visionary owners who are not just business people but a connoisseurs and educators at heart.