Screenshot from the XinhuaNet article

We are excited to share some remarkable news with you today! Club Mareva Beirut, in collaboration with XinhuaNet, was recently featured in an article discussing Lebanon’s surprising position as the world’s largest spender on cigars, despite the country’s ongoing economic crisis. In this blog post, we will delve into the details presented in the article and explore the factors contributing to Lebanon’s unique cigar culture.

Article Overview:
The XinhuaNet article, titled “Lebanon Tops Cigar Spending List Despite Economic Crisis,” highlights the astonishing fact that Lebanon ranked first globally in terms of per capita revenue from cigar sales in 2022. This unexpected trend showcases the enduring love for cigars among the Lebanese people, even in the face of significant financial hardships.

Understanding the Phenomenon:
The article attributes Lebanon’s high cigar consumption to various factors. One significant aspect is the lifestyle of the Lebanese people, who have a deep appreciation for refined and luxurious experiences. Cigar-tasting nights and events featuring franchise owners from Europe and the United States have further contributed to the popularity of cigars in Lebanon.

Cultural Traditions and COVID-19:
Lebanese cigar enthusiasts often cherish a tradition that has been passed down through generations. Many cigar smokers can trace their passion for cigars back to their fathers, creating a sense of connection and heritage. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has played a role in the surge of cigar consumption. With travel plans halted and leisure activities limited, individuals redirected their discretionary spending towards hobbies such as cigar smoking.

Club Mareva Beirut:
Club Mareva Beirut is proud to be a part of Lebanon’s vibrant cigar culture. Our cigar lounge provides a welcoming and sophisticated atmosphere where enthusiasts can indulge in their passion for cigars. We invite you to join us and explore our extensive collection of premium cigars, engaging in conversations and camaraderie that make the cigar culture so special.

Despite the economic challenges facing Lebanon, the love for cigars remains strong. Club Mareva Beirut is committed to offering an exceptional experience for cigar enthusiasts, providing a space where individuals can appreciate the art and craftsmanship behind each cigar. Be sure to read the full article on XinhuaNet here for a deeper understanding of Lebanon’s top ranking in cigar spending.

Stay updated on our latest news, events, and exclusive offers by following us on Club Mareva Beirut’s Instagram account. We look forward to welcoming you to Club Mareva Beirut, where you can join us in celebrating the pleasures of cigar smoking.

Screenshot from the XinhuaNet article

Screenshot from the XinhuaNet article